The greatest wealth is good health!
Physical complaints?
More info in English about treatments at Suus Lichaamstherapie will be explained below.
If you do not speak or write dutch, that is not a problem at all. Please contact me for more information in English.
English treatment explanation of neural Integration/ functional neurology through neurofeedback
In all cases of any disorder there are certain inevitable physiological laws of the body and how it functions in health and disease. They are as follows:
1. The brain controls every cell in the body through signals sent over the nervous system to every cell and hence every tissue, organs, etc.
2. The purpose of these signals is to continue life and insure survival of the species. All signals are, by design, created to insure balance of the entire organism (homeostasis).
3. If thorought the body all signals are uninterrupted, the default will be normal complete function. This state is called health.
4. These signals can be interrupted by some basic categories. The categories are: Structural, Immune, Pathological, Physiological, Neurological, Toxicity, & Emotional.
5. Any or all of these interfering categories will cause signal distractions from the brain to the body resulting in malfunction and disease.
In summary, unless the brain is aware of the signal distractions, it will not be able to initiate a healing cascade. Only the brain can recognize and correct the abberant neurological distractions through neurofeedback, and Neural Integration is the system which can diagnose and correct abnormal physiology in detail.
Please contact me for more information or to make an appointment at